[Android only] Set true to enable Headless mechanism for handling fetch events after app termination.
const status = await BackgroundFetch.configure({
minimumFetchInterval: 15,
stopOnTerminate: false, // <-- required
enableHeadless: true // <-- required
}, async (taskId) => {
console.log('[BackgroundFetch] EVENT', taskId);
}, async (taskId) => {
console.log('[BackgroundFetch] TIMEOUT', taskId);
With your app open in Android Studio, browse the app
folder to find the MainActivity
class. Right-click the containing folder and click New > Java Class.
You MUST name the file BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask
Add the following Java code to BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask
, taking care to preserve the top line:
package com.your.package.name
package com.your.package.name // <-- DO NOT REPLACE THIS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!
/// ---------------- Paste everything BELOW THIS LINE: -----------------------
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
import com.transistorsoft.tsbackgroundfetch.BackgroundFetch;
import com.transistorsoft.tsbackgroundfetch.BGTask;
public class BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask{
public void onFetch(Context context, BGTask task) {
// Get a reference to the BackgroundFetch Android API.
BackgroundFetch backgroundFetch = BackgroundFetch.getInstance(context);
// Get the taskId.
String taskId = task.getTaskId();
// Log a message to adb logcat.
Log.d("MyHeadlessTask", "BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask onFetch -- CUSTOM IMPLEMENTATION: " + taskId);
boolean isTimeout = task.getTimedOut();
// Is this a timeout?
if (isTimeout) {
// Do your work here...
// Signal finish just like the Javascript API.
After terminating your app with Javascript configuration above, simulate a fetch-event while observing $ adb logcat
In the following command, replace com.your.app.package.name
with your app's actual package-name:
adb shell cmd jobscheduler run -f com.your.app.package.name 999
$ adb logcat
TSBackgroundFetch: - Background Fetch event received: capacitor-background-fetch
MyHeadlessTask: BackgroundFetchHeadlessTask onFetch -- CUSTOM IMPLEMENTATION: capacitor-background-fetch
TSBackgroundFetch: - finish: capacitor-background-fetch
TSBackgroundFetch: - jobFinished
[Android only]
By default, the BackgroundFetch
Android SDK will use JobScheduler to schedule tasks, which are subject to throttling. For more accurate scheduling of tasks (at the expense of higher battery-usage), you can tell BackgroundFetch
to use Android's AlarmManager.
Note: All "criteria" options will no longer apply, since these are available only with JobScheduler.
The minimum interval in minutes to execute background fetch events. Defaults to 15 minutes. Minimum is 15 minutes.
[Android only] Set detailed description of the kind of network your job requires.
If your job doesn't need a network connection, you don't need to use this option, as the default is BackgroundFetch.NETWORK_TYPE_NONE.
Calling this method defines network as a strict requirement for your job. If the network requested is not available your job will never run.
[Android only] Specify that to run this job, the device's battery level must not be low.
This defaults to false. If true, the job will only run when the battery level is not low, which is generally the point where the user is given a "low battery" warning.
[Android only] Specify that to run this job, the device must be charging (or be a non-battery-powered device connected to permanent power, such as Android TV devices). This defaults to false.
[Android only] When set true, ensure that this job will not run if the device is in active use.
The default state is false: that is, the for the job to be runnable even when someone is interacting with the device.
This state is a loose definition provided by the system. In general, it means that the device is not currently being used interactively, and has not been in use for some time. As such, it is a good time to perform resource heavy jobs. Bear in mind that battery usage will still be attributed to your application, and surfaced to the user in battery stats.
[Android only] Specify that to run this job, the device's available storage must not be low.
This defaults to false. If true, the job will only run when the device is not in a low storage state, which is generally the point where the user is given a "low storage" warning.
[Android only] Set true to initiate background-fetch events when the device is rebooted. Defaults to false.
[Android only] Set false to continue background-fetch events after user terminates the app. Default to true.
Generated using TypeDoc
Configuration API for BackgroundFetch.configure.